A C Brooks is a successful entrepreneur, business executive, speaker, and endurance athlete. Now living in California with wife, two kids, a cat, and two dogs, one of whom weighs a hundred pounds, he began his writing career at Princeton University as a weekly humor columnist for The Nassau Weekly. The Clown Forest Murders, co-authored with R. R. Brooks, is his first full length novel. He opines on the humor of life at www.andhesays.com. When not writing or starting a new company, he focuses on ultra athletic competitions. In addition to multiple marathons, 50Ks, and 70.3 triathlons, Andrew has recently completed the 2015 Houston Ironman, 2017 Marin Ultra Challenge 50 Miler, Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim, 2017 Trans Rockies 120 Mile Stage Race, and 2017 Spartan Iceland Ultra World Championship. In 2018 he completed 7 marathons on all 7 continents in 7 days with the World Marathon Challenge and the Ultra 520K triathlon in Canada in August. He plans on running the 238 mile Moab foot race in October. He plots his novels as he runs.
You can find read more from A C Brooks on his blog at www.andhesays.com or @andrewcbrooks.